And here comes the month of pure divinity! Comes the month ,where the "devils" are caged and the doors of heaven are wide opened. When Allah descends to the lower skies and asks "Who is he, that asks me for favors? I shall, bless him".
This time Ramadan-ul-mubarak has arrived in such a situation that we are crippled as a nation with economic distress, floods rushing across the country, more than 14million affected, more than 8lac homes destroyed and many villages drowned, and with a recent air-blue crash accident that occured at Islamabad killing 152 innocent people. How heart breaking this all is. We, as a nation are engrossed in so many disasters that the independence day approaching us is not even bringing smiles to us. The effected ppl are going to manage their iftar's and seher's in what ways, we really dont know and it brings much more agony and a lot of pain.
Lets hope this Ramadan brings rehmat for all of us.
Enjoy your special feasts. Do lot of ibada'h and gain the opportunity of getting Allah's Blessing, whole month through.
Ramadan Kareem mubarak!
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